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Four Streams of Love. One Bishop in Poland said, “This Book is the ABCD of Christianity.” The first chapter deals with the meaning of the Cross, the Tree of Life: The Cross is a Rupture of Love, not a burden. The second chapter deals with God’s parental love. Who is God? Who is Man? How did we become human? Is there any proof that God loves us? How can theory of evolution be reconciled with the origin of human beings? Third chapter deals with the second stream of love: Love of the Friends. Here comes the question of forgiveness. What is forgiveness? Is it equivalent to forgetting or opposite of forgetting? What is the role of the innocent party in the process of reconciliation? Fourth Chapter deals with Couples Love – Eros. The ascending love. Why does the Church teach that Marriage is a sacrament? What does a woman expect from a man? What does a man expect from a woman? What is the mystery of the birth of a child? How is sexuality related to marriage and celibacy? The last chapter deals with agape- the descending love. Why did God become man? Was that possible? Even if it was possible, was it necessary? What is a covenant? What is eternal life? Do we have any proof for life after death? Why do we say that Jesus is the only saviour? Is it Christian arrogance or is there any truth in that? Who is Jesus? What is the Holy Eucharist? What is the meaning of Eucharistic Adoration? What is faith?





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