In inspirational value, practical outlook and far-reaching influence few books have surpassed The Spiritual Exercises of St Ignatius. The handiwork of the humble Basque nobleman fills every requirement for what is often loosely referred to as a “Spiritual Classic”. The aim of the present volume is to represent, as nearly as possible, idea with idea, Spanish sentence structure with English sentence structure and the quaint forms of the original with the familiar forms of the present. Every effort has been made to produce a clear, idiomatic and readable translation, adding nothing to the original and omitting nothing. The text itself is clear of all references, and notes arranged according to the marginal numbers have been placed in the appendix. These are not commentary, but state the reasons for the translation adopted and for the form of expression used. The text used for the translation is the convenient and accurate Spanish-Latin text, published by Marietti, Turin, 1928, and edited by the author of the critical edition in the volume of the Exercises in the Monumenta Historica Societatis Jesus.